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                We mainly produce and sale wound dressings, medical hygiene materials and home care products in China,which are exported to Japan and other overseas markets.Besides, some wound dressings and home care products are sold to various medical institutions and chain stores in the domestic. Meanwhile we are happy to research and carry out diverse cooperation such as OEM.

                ABOUT US

                Zhejiang Kawamoto Health Care Products Co., Ltd. was established in April 1999. As the professional wound dressing manufacturer,our production lines are constructed in the standardized workshop in according to national GMP standard. And all products, before delivery, need passing our tests in the specialized physics and microbiology laboratory.

                Zhejiang Kawamoto are dedicated to providing safe and effective products. We sincerely hope to establish business relations with your esteemed corporation. We believe, with our incessantly efforts, our company will serve our customers better.



                Science and technology contribute to the truth, and quality contributes to health

                CONTACT US






                Sale Department


